Well, crap.
Anticipating disappointed faces and possible tears and/or tantrums, I turned to the kids and told them Daddy was done and we needed to leave and go get him. The kids surprised me and only protested a teeny-tiny bit. I think they knew we couldn't leave Daddy at the doctor's office while they played. That would just be wrong. They may have also only protested a token protest because I promised them we could go to the park before they were able to formulate an argument.
We got our food and got back into the van to drive up the road for Mark. Just as I put on my blinker to turn into the parking lot, I got another text from him. It said, "Hold on. Having X-ray of my head."
Are you kidding me!?
Luckily, Mark was finished within a few minutes of us getting back to the office. The X-ray was to look at his sinus cavity, so nothing serious. I told him the deal I made with the kids and we headed to the park. I love this particular park. It is really well built, with a castle right smack in the middle. There is a toddler area on one side, but the best feature to me is the "fence" around it. There is only one way in or out. As long as I can see it, I know that my kids haven't wondered off or been abducted. It was a nice, clear day, if a little warm. We only got to stay for about 30 minutes, but the kids had a great time.

Yesterday, Mark did some outside work and took the three oldest with him. I stayed inside with a napping Anna. Two things happened that led to the third thing, that led to the fourth thing. One: The kids got filthy. Two: Mark washed his motorcycle. 1+2=3