Usually for the kids' birthdays I make a special dinner or we order out for something they want. I make a cake and we have it and ice cream at home and then open presents. This year, I planned something more elaborate for Emily's birthday; after all, you only turn double digits once. However, Anna ran a fever for 4 days prior to Emily's day, so we had to scale things back a bit. The plan was to take the family to Emily's favorite restaurant and then have the cake, ice cream and presents there. Then we were going to take the family bowling. The restaurant was going to decorate and everything. Anna was fever-free for 24 hours on Sunday so we took everyone out to eat, but then came home to do the rest (except bowling). I hope we can do that this weekend or next.
Emily looking so grown-up!

Anna still not feeling 100%

Austin giving big sis a hug

Garrett, goofy as ever.

Emily ready to get the party started

Emily and her cake

Blowing out the candles

Hmmm. Did I get them all?

Of course, I have post pictures of the cake I spent hours on! Here is a side and above view: